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helen offline helen Ziņojums Pirm Nov 09, 2009 14:37 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Three bald bears in Leipzig
Bears in a zoo in eastern Germany have lost their fur, but international experts cannot work out why.
"This problem with the spectacled bears is not just in Leipzig," Mr Noetzhold told the BBC World Service.
"There are other zoos in Europe and overseas having the same problem.
"And so we've had an international working group of zoo vets looking at this for some time already."


Read more

Usually spectacled bears look like this

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blueyed offline blueyed Ziņojums Pirm Nov 09, 2009 14:46 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2804
Pilsēta: Иманта

Oh my, this looks extremely wierd В шоке

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kroljix offline kroljix Ziņojums Pirm Nov 09, 2009 14:56 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 6397
Pilsēta: ПриРижье

This animal (sorry, I can't call him bear) look like a hybrid between a huge cat, an elefant and a lemur or something else Размышляю

Младшая 01.03.2014.

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Angel offline Angel Ziņojums Pirm Nov 09, 2009 18:48 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 416
Pilsēta: Золик

Oh,poor bear!! Печально I think he is on big stress.And it`s very cold for bear,he has alrefdy got accustomed to be in fell. May be it`s happen under environment influence or bed nutrition.

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miorica offline miorica Ziņojums Pirm Nov 09, 2009 18:53 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2201

Just imagine, how many people will rush now to the zoo to have a look at the poor creature. So zoo will benefit financially from this misfortune Да-да

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blueyed offline blueyed Ziņojums Pirm Nov 09, 2009 19:54 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2804
Pilsēta: Иманта

My guess is that the air temperature (obviously too low) in Liepzig caused this fur loss due to the fact that their naturaly live in South America where it is hot. However, I don't see the connection between these facts, usually when it is cold, the fur becomes thicker, maybe not for this specie Размышляю

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Nyamu offline Nyamu Kreatīvā māmiņa
Kreatīvā māmiņa Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 00:34 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 7505
Pilsēta: Рига, Иманта

I watched a documentary film on the RenTV yesterday. It was about the Large Hadron Collider and experiments around it. And there was said, that abnormal things are happening, when this experiments take place. E.g. the Bermuda Triangle activates, tornado near to Moscow.. (link about the tornado.) Of course, these are just some sciencists' guesses. However, "чем чёрт не шутит" Размышляю (may be someone knows good translation of these idiom?)

May be this two things (LHC and the bears) are somehow related? Размышляю


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KaTepuHo4ka offline KaTepuHo4ka Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 00:59 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1566
Pilsēta: Иманта

Nyamu :
"чем чёрт не шутит" Размышляю (may be someone knows good translation of these idiom?)

You never can tell Улыбка


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Murr offline Murr Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 11:12 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 9708
Pilsēta: Prague, CZ

also: devil may play any trick
you never know

Зайка сыночек и лапочка дочка (2007+2009)

Thanks God I'm a WOMAN!

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 14:51 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Woman diagnosed with fear of vegetables
Vicki Larrieux, a 22-year-old student from Portsmouth, claims she is unable to keep to a healthy diet because she is frightened of vegetables.
As Daily Telegraph informs, she suffers from a fear known as lachanophobia, which leaves her sweating and stricken with panic attacks at the merest sight of a sprout or a pea.
The unusual fear affects just a few thousand people in Britain and treatments for the condition include "psychological re-programming" to control the anxious response to seeing vegetables.
Miss Larrieux's condition makes routine trips to the supermarket or a night out at a restaurant with her boyfriend Joseph Jade, 25, a major problem.


The full list of phobias here
The most horrifying is Pentheraphobia. Прячусь Хихи

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blueyed offline blueyed Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 15:22 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2804
Pilsēta: Иманта

I have only one advice for Miss Larrieux's, to stop being afraid of vegetables and fight her phobia, become a vegetable, a very few tips:

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Nyamu offline Nyamu Kreatīvā māmiņa
Kreatīvā māmiņa Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 18:52 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 7505
Pilsēta: Рига, Иманта

Murr :
you never know

I like this variant more than other ones Да-да

I checked phobias' list and found, that my daughter has somniphobia and ablutophobia, but I have insectophobia and neopharmaphobia Хихи


Pēdējo reizi tika rediģēts: Nyamu (Otr Nov 10, 2009 20:16), kopumā tika rediģēts 1 reizi

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Riska offline Riska Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 19:36 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 31868
Pilsēta: Торонто

Russophobia- Fear of Russians Смешно Смешно Смешно
they are every where Смешно Злорадствую

Apathy is Boring
Не стоит пытаться, или делай, или не делай

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blueyed offline blueyed Ziņojums Otr Nov 10, 2009 19:42 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 2804
Pilsēta: Иманта

Riska :
Russophobia- Fear of Russians Смешно Смешно Смешно
they are every where Смешно Злорадствую

They are very difficult ot escape Хихи

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Alja_S offline Alja_S Ziņojums Treš Nov 11, 2009 13:30 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 4911
Pilsēta: Рига, Плявниеки



It is not in English, but it's really "breaking"! LOL, great slogan for Riga Ok Read the comments... Очень смешно There are many additional variants of the slogan for Riga... My fave is "Easy to drink, hard to pee" Хихи


Зорко одно лишь сердце (с)

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Treš Nov 11, 2009 15:25 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Teenage boy trapped on floating piece of ice with polar bears

A Canadian teenager has been rescued after he became trapped on a floating piece of ice with three polar bears.
As Daily Telegraph informs, the 17-year-old, who had been on a hunting trip with his uncle when he became stuck on the ice pan, shot one of the bears in self defence.
He was suffering from hypothermia when he was rescued.


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helen offline helen Ziņojums Cet Nov 12, 2009 15:49 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Apple that stays fresh for months developed by Australian scientists

An apple that stays fresh for months has been developed by Australian scientists and could be on shop shelves by next year.
As Daily Telegraph informs :"The beauty of this fruit is that you can buy it and stick it in a fruit bowl and it will maintain its firmness, texture and crispness for up to 14 days," he said.
"Another advantage is that if it goes into longer term storage, it will retain its freshness for months on end.

But in Great Britain was launched six-button computer to get elderly online! Rock
An easy-to-use computer aimed at the millions of elderly Britons who lack the confidence to enjoy the benefits of the web has gone on sale.
The screens of new PCs have just six buttons, allowing technology-shy users to surf the internet, send emails and watch videos without having to navigate around cluttered desktops. Read more

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Piek Nov 13, 2009 16:22 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Plane crashed into the VIP lounge at the Kigali airport

Source: Reuters

A Rwandair passenger plane bound for Uganda crashed into the airport VIP lounge in Rwanda's capital on Thursday and killed one passenger, officials said.
As Reuters informs: "He landed safely on the runway and was guided by the marshals into the parking area," Masozera said.
"For some unexplained reason, the plane, from the parking spot, took off again at full power and ... took a right turn, unexplained, into the technical building," he said.

Great writers 'fail' online test

BBC published the results of English exam: Winston Churchill's iconic "fight them on the beaches" speech did not make the grade when it was marked by a computer system, exam experts have said.
And extracts from modern classics such as Lord of the Flies by William Golding and a novel by Ernest Hemingway also failed to impress the computer. Хихи

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Noela offline Noela Ziņojums Piek Nov 13, 2009 16:48 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 487
Pilsēta: Riga, Imanta

helen :
Plane crashed into the VIP lounge at the Kigali airport
...killed one passenger, officials said.

That was really one unlucky man!


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Nyamu offline Nyamu Kreatīvā māmiņa
Kreatīvā māmiņa Ziņojums Piek Nov 13, 2009 16:52 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 7505
Pilsēta: Рига, Иманта

helen :

But in Great Britain was launched six-button computer to get elderly online! Rock

My father, sure, would need one Хихи He is one of those people, who like to buy new techniques (not sure, it's the right word Краснею ), but is too lazy to carefully and deeply explore, how to use it. He suffers from lack of confidence that he will make head or tail of this too. Хихи


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helen offline helen Ziņojums Sv Nov 15, 2009 17:15 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Families spend four days a year arguing

Parents and children have at least three disagreements a day, with mothers causing most of the rows, according to new research..
The most common rows are over household chores, children "treating the house like a hotel", and couples taking each other for granted, a survey of 3,000 families found.
As Daily Telegraph informs: Fights flare up three times a day, usually lasting for five minutes. Families spend 91 hours a year arguing, with mothers the worst culprits for shouting and sulking.

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Pirm Nov 16, 2009 14:31 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

I'm A Celebrity kicks off with Sam Fox's water spider ordeal

The new series of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! started with a bang as former Page 3 model Sam Fox and celebrity chef Gino D'Acampo were given the first bushtucker trial.
The unwitting celebrities were forced to hold water spiders in their mouths for 30 seconds and plunge their faces into an urn of crayfish and beach worms.
As Daily Mail informs Sam proved bravest in the spider task as she stood mouth agape with an impressive degree of concentration.

Sam Fox is an English former glamour model and dance-pop singer.

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Otr Nov 17, 2009 14:33 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

Cost of happiness discovered by Australian economist

Marriage is worth £18,000 to men, but just £9,000 to women, according to an Australian economist who claims he has discovered a formula to determine the cost of happiness.
Paul Frijters, a professor at Queensland University of Technology, has calculated a formula he claims delivers the monetary equivalent of the value of various milestones in life.
The figures represent a lump sum a person would need to receive out of the blue in order to make him or her as happy as marriage would over a lifetime.
When it comes to divorce, a man would be so devastated it would feel as if he had lost £61,500. A woman would be far less traumatised, feeling as though she had only lost £5,000.
Prof Frijters, who was this year named the best economist aged under 40, has tracked major life events of 10,000 people since 2001.
Australians were asked to describe how satisfied they were with their lives on a scale of 0 to 10.
Read more

Professor Frijters concluded that money had a greater effect on happiness than previously thought.

Marriage woman - £8, 726.25 man - £17, 675.68
Birth of child woman - £ 4, 866.77 man - £18, 236.39
Divorce woman - £4, 977.08 (loss) man - £61, 116.46 (loss)
Death of a loved one woman - £73, 204.86 (loss) man - £350, 830.36 (loss)
Illness woman - £28, 124.61(loss) man - £201, 264.68 (loss)
Moving house woman - £1, 453.80 (gain) man - £8, 947.11 (loss)

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helen offline helen Ziņojums Cet Nov 19, 2009 13:23 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

What's in a name? More than you might think

(C) Reuters

A London-based translation firm is offering parents-to-be the chance to check the meaning of prospective baby names in other languages to avoid inadvertently causing their offspring future embarrassment.

Celebrity couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes might have thought twice about naming their daughter Suri if they'd known that it means "pickpocket" in Japanese, "turned sour" in French, and "horse mackerels" in Italian, suggest Today Translations.

As Reuters informs : For 1,000 pounds ($1,678), the company's linguists will carry out a "basic name translation audit" of names, checking their meaning in 100 languages, or more for an additional cost.


Hippopotamuses attack a crocodile

See 5 pictures drama story here
A wildlife photographer has captured the moment a crocodile was killed after getting trapped in a maze of angry hippos.
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helen offline helen Ziņojums Piek Nov 20, 2009 12:06 Atbildēt ar citātu

Ziņojumi: 1861
Pilsēta: Рига, Пурвциемс

French hamster hotel lets guests live like rodents Очень смешно


A French hotel is offering guests the chance to live like a hamster for a day.
It's a unique concept according to its creators. A hotel in the French city of Nantes is offering the chance for people to become a hamster.
As Daily Telegraph informs : For 99 euros a night, visitors to the hotel in Nantes can feast on hamster grain, get a workout by running in a giant wheel and sleep in hay stacks in the suite called the "Hamster Villa".
However, the price is soon to go up as today's hamsters need, according to the owners, Wifi and a giant TV screen.
Очень смешно

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